Monday 1 July 2019

Bully For You

We're three episodes in now.

Two to go.

Another short series.

It was starting to grow on me a bit.

But last night's show began to confirm my fears.

The bit last week when Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle and star of his new film Himesh Patel had to drive at speed at a closing barrier seemed a bit childish and unnecessary.

This week they had Olympic Horsewoman and Queen's Grand-daughter Zara Tindall together with her England Rugby star husband Mike driving a Jag at speed between two bollards for no good reason.
I suppose it makes the interviews a bit shorter for them but I'd rather know a bit more about the guests than see this.
I'm hoping that TG doesn't go the same way as Driven did during its death throes - that was such a shame.

But the bit that made me feel really uncomfortable was when Paddy and Freddie were stopping Chris from winning the stuff-as-much-stuff-into-a-family-car competition.
It looks like I wasn't alone with the word "bullying" coming into my head.  Here's the Metro (the Newspaper) report on the ensuing Twitter-storm.
I wonder if that is why they got shut of Rory Reid - they can cope with accusations of bullying but racist bullying would be going too far.
Chris has taken to Twitter himself to say that he didn't feel victimised and that the others are really kind people.
I suppose he had to do that or they'd have beaten him up.

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