Some good news for the British car industry - it's going to be built in Sunderland (amongst other places Worldwide) Top speed about 90mph - range about 100 miles - although obviously not both at the same time. Cost estimated at about £20K to £25K which seems a bit bit steep for something that's going to struggle once you get out of town but then again, I suppose it's the City Centre user that this is aimed at. Although City-Centre people may have issues charging it from home, they don't tend to have drives to park their cars on and charging will take about 8 hours - which seems par for the course for current (ha! "current" geddit!?) electric vehicles. Feel sorry for our American cousins with their 110V supplies - it'll take them twice as long.

As for the front, it took me a while to work out what that reminded me of.
And, then it came to me...

As far as I can see, this costs £10K more than an equivalent sized petrol/diesel model. Roughly what it would cost to fuel the thing over 100,000 miles but without the inconvenience. If it was only slightly more expensive and slightly more inconvenient than and infernal combustion engine I could see a big market for this but I suspect that the main market will be for corporate customers who are greenwashing - and the London congestion charge zone.