Wednesday 29 January 2014

Nice - Not Nice.

Autoguide to day have this story about Hyundai's Elentra advertising campaign.  In particular, their Super Bowl ad featuring Johnny Galecki from the brilliant Big Bang Theory or, if you are very old, Roseanne.

The theme of the campaign is nice (like the Elantra) and not nice (like slipping on a banana skin).

Here's the main ad:

Quite amusing.

This BBC story, meanwhile, is about a nice advert.

At least I think it is very nice.

It features a very nice Bobby Ewing-era Merc SL and a very attractive woman on a bike.

And this picture:
Which seems a bit cruel to the very attractive woman on the bike.
But five people with incredibly dull lives thought the advert was not nice.
They complained to the Advertising Standards Authority and caused the advert to be banned because the very attractive woman on a bike isn't wearing a helmet.
A helmet isn't a legal requirement and would have messed up the hair of the very attractive woman on a bike.
And the ad isn't even aimed at cyclists, it's aimed at motorists warning them to give cyclists like the very attractive woman on a bike plenty of room.
As well as thinking those five people and the Advertising Standards Authority are not nice, I also think this story is not nice.  Basically, it is saying that BMW are working on an app to pump adverts into your car or, as they put it, “develop solutions for context-adaptive, personalised filtering of large volumes of real-time offers generated by location-based service providers”.
I see that article as an advert to not buy a BMW.
Not nice.

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