Saw this headline today and thought "That could be good - a petrol-head in the Cabinet" but then I read on and realised it is Conservative MP Philip Hammond - someone about whom I know absolutely zero. It could be worse - it could be a Liberal in that post. I am much more so a fan of the Liberals than the Tories and I think this new Coalition business might just work because because the Libs can temper the worst of the Tory evils like fox-hunting and tax-breaks for the obscenely rich and not giving a stuff about unemployment. But when it comes to cars, their manifesto states that they are in favour of road-pricing. They claim it will be "revenue neutral" but I am cynical and I also think that they are also more likely to clobber those of us who do not drive cars with small engines. Labour were bad for this too. Maybe I do have more in common with the Tories after all - they are the ones in the 4x4s and big Mercs and Porsches. Did you see Teresa May's new Jag? Very nice. The car not Teresa. I wonder if she's any relation to James - or Brian.

Anyway, only time will tell what this new Government will do for us motorists and for the Country as a whole. If it works out, then great - if it doesn't then I'm sure Prime Minister Miliband will be happy to take over. (It's surprising just how many different pictures there are of him with that banana.)
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