Monday 29 July 2024

Not A1

 Take a look at this:

It's happened before that people making a film about how a road is an accident blackspot have managed to capture some live evidence.

The BBC managed it here.

There is so much wrong in this scenario and while the Seat driver will get the blame - after all the Seat went in to the Tesla - the Tesla I think is actually at fault.

Firstly, why are they driving along in the overtaking lane?  And then why slow down?  And why no brake lights?  Do you not get brake lights if using regen braking?  I don't actually know the answer to that but there is a major design fault there if you don't.

I'm assuming they slowed down to let the little grey car (Peugeot?) onto the A1.  Did they flash to say join?  If so, that's not what a flash of the headlights means.  As with any such junction, it is up to the vehicle joining to make sure it is safe, not for others to let them in (although there is nothing wrong with a little road courtesy when it is safe to do so)  And that little grey car will have been extra cautious after already having crossed one carriageway of an obviously very busy A-Road.

And that road layout is bloody dangerous!

But then that was what they were trying to prove.

A spokesman for National Highways is quoted as saying, "We'll continue to keep the safety on the stretch of road under continual review and work with the local community on any future safety improvements."

Oh, well, all's well that ends well.  Nothing to see here.

Apart from an accident every week.

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