Sunday 16 June 2024

A Bodge for Rodney

Rodney Street is quite famous in Liverpool.

It's where the doctors live.

Or at least where they practice.

They ought to be quite good by now.

It's a very historic road that gets used for period dramas - but, according to the BBC, the pavements are losing their character because the traditional flagstones are being replaced with bitumen.
A council spokesman is quoted as saying, "Despite regular enforcement, drivers often park partly on the pavement on Rodney Street and we use tarmac to carry out repairs in this location because it is more durable, hard wearing and needs less maintenance."

It's also cheaper.

Oh, and just to clarify for any Americans out there:

What you call the pavement (the paved bit you're meant to drive on) is what we call the carriageway.

And what we call the pavement is what you call the sidewalk (the bit at the side that you walk on)

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