Thursday 16 April 2020

Satire Pressure Gauge

I like Newsbiscuit.

It's like The Daily Mash but doesn't have its own TV show.

I once got a ticker headline onto the Newsbiscuit front page.  Today's ticker includes "Priti Patel only here to make up the numbers"

They are being a bit unfair today though with their story BMW Drivers Fury at No-one to Tailgate.

Everyone knows that it is the Audi drivers who tailgate.
Although, to be fair to that one, the car he is behind is driving in the middle of the road.

Us BMW drivers are the ones who never indicate - and that doesn't really matter when there are no other cars on the road.

And they do allude to that at the end of the story.

The only thing I don't like about Newsbiscuit are their adverts - they really do devalue the page and, to add insult to injury, they preface it with "You may also like"...
I quite like the fact that they've screwed up the algorithm in the "Earn £1472 Daily" one. The bit that is meant to con you into thinking that people in your locality are stupid enough to fall for it has been replaced by {city}
But generally, people who appreciate good satire shouldn't fall for such ludicrous click-bait.
Meanwhile, "Mike Ashley and Tim Martin Confirmed as Essential Wankers"

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