If you are British, then this is tailgating:
Anyway, it's not a good thing - in fact, it's a downright dangerous thing. If you are American, then tailgating seems to involve a barbecue:
Here's a better picture -it actually involves a
Here in Britain, we have things called "car boot sales" which do not involve the purchase of cheap car boots (or "trunks" if you are American - trunks to us are what elephants have or what men wear to swim in)
In America, they have tailgate thefts which I would have assumed to be thefts from the cargo bays of Pick-Up Trucks but actually is the theft of the vehicle tailgate itself. Fox News reported on it yesterday together with some statistics on cities, States and makes of vehicle most likely to be targetted and tips on how not to let it happen to you.
Meanwhile, North of the border (in Canada not Scotland) they have a different crime again called "curbsiding" which has nothing to do with Kerb-crawling. The Canadian car-site I sometimes delve into had this story last month. Apparently, this particular crime is trading in used (often repaired after damage) cars while pretending to be a private seller and not disclosing the history of the car. Although, if anyone repaired and then sold on the car they used to illustrate the story, then good luck to them:
Whatever motoring crime you decide to take part in, if caught, you may well end up before a judge.
And that judge may well be an expert on motoring crime.
Like this chap.
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