Sunday 17 May 2020


"Animals loose in cars are never a good idea. Goats are generally the worst, but until you've had a tortoise stuck under your brake pedal, you've never known the meaning of fear."

That is my favourite Terry Pratchett quote.

Meanwhile, are telling us that "People drive more carefully when their dog is in the car".  They really do like their surveys.

Although that may just be an excuse for them to show some cute doggie pictures:
According to a study here in the UK, 54% of respondents of the 2000 "dog-owning licence holders" who were asked, claimed to drive more carefully when they had their pet in the car.  Since we don't have dog-licences any more, I'll assume they mean driving licences.  Could be TV licences though.

Also, they don't say how many did actually respond.

If everyone responded, then that is 1080 pooch owners.

But if only 24 responded then that is just 13 pooch owners.

Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to try and be equally careful whenever I drive irrespective of who or what is in my car - this 54% are saying they are more slapdash about their driving habits when Fido is not watching them.  Or should that be "Rover?"

Not that this really affects me.

I'm a cat person.

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