Now, is that joke racist? I hope not - I don't like racism or racists. I particularly don't like people who start sentences with "I'm not a racist, but..." Anyway, unless you are a fan of Warner Bros. cartoon Speedy Gonzales and also know a bit about floorcoverings, you probably wouldn't get that joke anyway.
I get the odd hit on my Blog from Mexico and I've noticed a couple this week possibly as the result of some Google searches on Top Gear. This would be due to their show last Sunday when a torrent of abuse was aimed at Mexicans - the BBC covered the furore (that's not a new car from Pagani) thus.
All the presenters joined in with the abuse but it seemed to be Richard, not Jeremy, who had the harshest words. However, at the end of the day - I DON'T BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND THAT THEY ACTUALLY MEANT IT! Unlike the Sky Sports pundits the other week who thought they were off-mike and said what they really thought. I don't believe the pundits should have gone but that's another argument for a football or feminism blog - or maybe a media or legal blog since Andy Gray was pursuing damages at the time for 'phone hacking from another bit of Rupert Murdoch's empire - ooh controversial!
The team, usually Jeremy, love to wind people up and get publicity in this way - they always have and they always will - and long may they continue. Maybe a carefully worded apology is in order because the attack was sustained and brutal but I am very suspicious that the Mexican Ambassador would have actually been watching - that would imply he was a fan. And any fan knows what to expect from Top Gear.
Two weeks ago, they implied that Scousers stole cars or their wheels at least. The Mail, an evil paper which is so right-wing it makes Jeremy look liberal, reported it thus.
I thought the show was very funny, John Bishop took it in good spirit and most of the comments from Scousers agree too. Any true Scouse TG fan knew what they were doing and would be happy to be part of the joke aimed at us. As usual, the Mail was trying to stir up trouble/hatred/fear - it's our equivalent of Fox News.
As for the Mexican car they were talking about, the Mastretta (not "The Tortilla") - it looks suitably supercar-ish Although I'm not so sure of the front view:

That makes me think Smart Roadster:

At this point, I'm supposed to say, "I'm not racist against Mexicans - in fact some of my best friends are Mexican." Unfortunately, I don't think I've ever knowingly met a Mexican but I do own three Ford Escort Mexicos. Here's a picture of one identical to one of mine:

I didn't think the Mexican comment was particularly offensive because it was sending up the stereotype rather than the Mexicans themselves. Similarly with the Scouse joke - it was an obvious send-up of a lazy stereotype. Let's face it - Clarkson is a walking stereotype and he usually ends up as the butt of his own jokes.