Thursday 13 June 2024

Solid State Drive

This, I reckon, is a game-changer from Nissan.

And just like the solid state bit means you have solid stuff where the moving stuff should be in a disk drive, solid state batteries have solid stuff where the sloshy stuff should be.

Autocar have an interesting piece on it today.  The technology in there today but Nissan claim that they will be able to mass-produce them at a reasonable cost. 

And it would mean lighter EVs with longer range.

That cost less.

And EVs using them could be in production by 2028.

But are they less damaging to the environment that the current lithium-ion EV batteries?  And less prone to igniting?

The article doesn't tell us.

But this one from New Scientist last October does.

Apparently, they are less damaging to the environment that the current lithium-ion EV batteries and they are less prone to igniting.

And Toyota has made a breakthrough that will allow “game-changing” solid-state batteries to go into production by 2028.

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