Some good news for the British car industry - it's going to be built in Sunderland (amongst other places Worldwide) Top speed about 90mph - range about 100 miles - although obviously not both at the same time. Cost estimated at about £20K to £25K which seems a bit bit steep for something that's going to struggle once you get out of town but then again, I suppose it's the City Centre user that this is aimed at. Although City-Centre people may have issues charging it from home, they don't tend to have drives to park their cars on and charging will take about 8 hours - which seems par for the course for current (ha! "current" geddit!?) electric vehicles. Feel sorry for our American cousins with their 110V supplies - it'll take them twice as long.

As for the front, it took me a while to work out what that reminded me of.
And, then it came to me...